I close the screen.
I am once again overwhelmed by that bewildering feeling that I had a little more than four years ago, when Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast. My heart broke then, while I, along with the rest of the world, watched as thousands lost their lives in the aftermath. Ironically, I was on the Island of Hispaniola at the time, though not in Haiti, but rather in the east, on a family vacation in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.
I am not naïve. So I do not expect for any pre-existing bias held previously toward the nation of Haiti to have magically disappeared because disaster struck. Thanks to the same journalists who report the news, while simultaneously making claims of objectivity, we are reminded, time and again that there are still so many of them (and if we are honest, there are still so many of us), who are blinded by variable levels of xenophobia and racism.
In terms of sending aid, however, we are thankfully seeing that the world’s best intentions outweigh any individual’s willful ignorance. Still, I am incensed daily by writers presumably unaware of the ramifications of the articles that they write. Maybe I’m trippin’, but it just feels contextually inappropriate, and journalistically unconscionable that in the midst of a humanitarian crisis, one might reduce a person's seizure of any available resource to “looting.” How dare you. Have we learned nothing from New Orleans?
I had hoped for better. But I am grateful to writers and thinkers like Eric Zorn who challenge us to “Change [the] Subject,” from the “looting” and the “machete wielding” black men who roam the streets of Port-Au-Prince, ultimately back to the crisis at hand. On January 15th, he wrote:
"The buffer between civilization and anarchy is far smaller i[n] perpetually desperate nations such as Haiti, but don't events like this make you wonder how many days we -- you and I, comparatively comfortable Americans -- are from lawlessness, chaos, roving the streets with weapons trying to get food, water and medicine?
What wouldn't you do if members of your family were dying? If you thought you could save them with a little humanitarian freelance redistribution of resources?
Maybe these looters and machete wielders are mere opportunists, and if so, no corner of hell is hot enough for them. But maybe they're just doing what you'd do.”
But seriously, what would you do?

I remember the range of emotions I went through as I sat in front of a public computer in the lobby of my hotel, night after night, observing the humanitarian effort in the wake of Katrina. My emotions teetered between sadness, and hopelessness. But I recall being most heavily impacted by the deep sense of anger I felt, when first confronted with the “looting” vs. “finding” binary that surfaced in the news; which was (of course) drawn along a black vs. white racial lines.
I was not surprised then, when I came across an article by the Wall Street Journal’s Dionne Searcey and Kevin Noblet entitled “Haiti Authorities Battle Looters." The authors seem almost shocked when quoting 18-year-old Reginald Elacen, who “suggested the police should be allowing the badly damaged stores to be emptied, and helping keep order. ‘We really don't have a choice,’ he said, referring to the desperate needs of Haitians who lost everything in the quake. ‘If the police would help, it could be done without violence.’” I could be alone in this, but I don't find that suggested scenario hard to imagine.
I was neither surprised by another article by the New York Times’ Simon Romero and Marc Lacey, which lead with the title “Looting Flares Where Authority Breaks Down,” Haiti’s president René Préval is quoted saying “The problem is there’s no control […] And people are desperate.” Still, I am troubled by the feeling I get that there is simply never enough time, or never enough resources to make things right. It's a feeling I carry for the folks that I encounter in my day to day life who may be too be suffering from poverty and homelessness, let alone in a situation as dire as this. But I’m smart enough to know better than that. These quotes say much more to me about a nation of people who are used to being forced to save themselves by any means necessary, than they do about the perceived lawlessness their article titles invoke- especially when so many in the United States and in many nations around the world live with abundance, sometimes even in excess. Who are WE to judge?
My anger is exacerbated when taken in context of the history of the Republic of Haiti as whole, a nation known as the first to gain it’s independence in Latin America, along with being the first post-colonial independent black-led nation in the world, and the only nation whose independence was gained as part of a successful slave rebellion.
I know the shortage of resources and time feels real to me, in large part due to the priorities (and beliefs) we make real by our collective consciousness.
For many, that consciousness starts with our media. In an interview with the Socialist Worker, Canadian Haiti solidarity activist Yves Engler explained: “The media coverage of the earthquake is marked by an almost complete divorce of the disaster from the social and political history of Haiti. They repeatedly state that the government was completely unprepared to deal with the crisis. This is true. But they left out why.” Engler is alluding to a legacy of questionable policies levied against the nation of Haiti by the United States, France and others, which ushered in an influx of foreign crops and ravaged agricultural development. Engler may also be referring to the history of the struggling nation who as Jay Smooth of illdoctrine put it, “taught all of us in the western hemisphere how to be freedom fighters.”
In this way, things have not changed. Journalists fail Haiti by refusing to do their jobs, reporting on real needs in the disaster stricken Caribbean Republic. And as a body politic of bystanders, we collectively fail Haiti if we do not hold journalists accountable for the undercurrent racism and bias leveraged in every “looting” account.
So this is my appeal to journalists, and every literate being who happens to read this blog, on behalf of Haiti:
Let us carry forward the lessons we learned from disaster coverage in New Orleans , and remove "looting" from vocabulary surrounding the current crisis in Haiti, from this point forward. I ask that you stop yourself, in every article you read or write. Consider every Haitian citizen a victim of this natural disaster first, regardless of whether or not they have been labeled an alleged “looter” (be it of goods of necessity or luxury). When confronted with stories of "looting," investigate the circumstances. And I implore you, suspend your perpetuation of the idea of this country as "hopeless" and unstable. But if you insist on holding fast to such beliefs, do so with an air of complexity, taking into account the history which has kept the Republic of Haiti unstable fiscally or otherwise. Call for the cancellation of Haitian debt.
If all else fails. I ask that you at least try to put yourself in the situation of a Haitian citizen and to exhaust every effort to ensure that Haiti and it's citizens are presented as nothing less than survivors. As human beings, we fail the people of Haiti if we continue to perpetuate this misrepresentation, and say nothing.
As world citizens, we fail OURSELVES if we do not learn the history.
For further Reading:
my best friend gayle: Simple Math: Let's Make a Deal
The Three Phases of Disaster Response - (via kris ex)
Cancel Haiti's Debt
About Haiti
Excellently written. I agree with and applaud your perspective and analysis.
ReplyDelete"As world citizens, we fail OURSELVES if we do not learn the history."
Yes, always!
thank you for writing this. ABSOLUTELY agree.
ReplyDeletegreat writing krys. have you seen this? http://www.gregpalast.com/the-right-testicle-of-hell-history-of-a-haitian-holocaust/
Beautifully written. Your sentiments are felt two-fold.
ReplyDeletewonderful! Thanks for writing it.
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone for the positive affirmation!
ReplyDeleteThis will be re-posted to OaklandLocal.com :)
Thanks Autumn for that link!
This is a great post and it cannot be said enough that calling what is going on looting smacks of racism and a failure to acknowledge western culpability. Continue to say it loud and proud.
ReplyDeleteVery well said. Greetings from Greece that should be grateful to the Haitian nation, the first to recognise our independence as early as in 1822, and even tried to fund our revolution -despite their poverty- and help by sending some of their troops.
ReplyDeleteHey Krys, I enjoyed your article. It makes a
ReplyDelete"Militant in Remission" feel good to know that
the next generation's watching. If you don't mind
a word or two from an up & coming Elder, i'd like
to share a little info. w/u. First of all Haiti's
condition is by design. For 205yrs (maybe 206) Haiti has been RESTRAINED. Very few people talk about the fact that the Haitian Maroons defeated the English, Spanish AND French military machines!
In fact, the Haitian Revolution forced the Louisiana Purchase- Napoleon needed the cash! What really makes this interesting, is asking the question "who are the Haitians?" My research shows
that the original Maroons of Hispanola were prisoners of war transported there from the Canary
Islands off the coast of Afrika. These prisoners of war, were none other than "The Moors of Spain"
While Haitians have a recent history of hardship,
their ancestors were of the ruling class. To me, that explains the proud, almost arrogant nature of
our Haitian cousins. Even in poverty, they know they are great! The West (France in particular) levied war debts on Haiti after the Revolution, threatening a trade embargo on them if they failed to comply. About 100yrs ago, the U.S. cancelled France's war debt in return for military
occupation by the Marines. Some historians say that the Marines left around 1937, but my research shows that the Marines pulled out in 1956
leaving "Papa Doc" in power. The rest of the story is common knowledge. My point is that Haiti
NEVER had a chance to shine; mainly because the powers of the West, The U.S. in particular, didn't
want the Haitain example to inspire even more "rebellous slaves" into action. Can you imagine if Denmark Vessey, Nat Turner, or David Walker hooked up w/ Toussaint? (A brother can dream can't he?) Images of the "Poor Haitian" cloud the true picture of the "Proud Haitain". Calling victims of tragedy "looters" only feeds this image. Thank goodness so many people are seeing pass this, & continue to donate to the cause. Keep on doin' the thang, i'll keep reading
@psepsis: I saw your tweet re: Haiti and Greece. I did not know. Thank you for sharing this! Folks need to know that kind of information. It can change a person's perspective.
ReplyDelete@ZAYID! Thank you so much for reading! And for stepping up my historical knowledge! I appreciate you up and coming elders of mine! So grateful for the support. Folks really have no idea. Few talk about how Haiti supported Simon Bolivar and helped spark the movements he was a part of!
Just as calling some immigrants 'illegal' works to obscure the transnational political and economic factors forcing many, including Haitians, to seek safter ground, calling blacks looters and whites finders perpetuates the power imbalance in favor of those who currently have it.
ReplyDeleteI have included a link to your piece in my blog! =)
ReplyDeleteThank you for your emotional honesty, analysis of history, and passionate appeal to a more just expression of compassion, rooted in empathy, not othering, for those (of us) who suffer and survive.
ReplyDeleteMay I cross-post this writing with its video and other links, without comments, on my blog? Or would you prefer I only link to it instead? I am trying to bring many anti-racist, woman-centered, pro-Haitian perspectives together there.
Whatever your preferences are for how you wish your work to be shared: that is what I will do.
@Julian: I am so grateful for you gracious words. It has already been cross posted on OaklandLocal.com. I think your link to this piece is helpful.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Ya'll should read --> THIS
thoughtful, provocative and insightful. thank you...
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing post. Words are so powerful, and I appreciate how much you gave me to think about. Thank you.